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fine tall fir-trees

as God was drawing fine tall fir trees straight
his Biro got stuck

from the frenzy of scribblings 
on the edge of the page to have it run again,
bushes came to him
and the mind of the crazy...

that's when ink flowed anew
fine tall fir-trees

as God was drawing fine tall fir trees straight
his Biro got stuck

from the frenzy of scribblings 
on the edge of the page to have it run again,
bushes came to him
and the mind of the crazy...

that's when ink flowed anew

alberi abeti belli diritti

quando Dio schizzava gli alberi abeti belli diritti
gli si è inceppata la biro
e mentre si infuriava in scarabocchi
sulla pagina accanto per farla ripartire
gli sono venuti i cespugli
e la mente degli uomini sciocchi...
ma l’inchiostro poi ha preso a rifluire

ottobre 96

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