da Vorrei Potertene Parlare di Alberto Sighele          indice
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penetro nei pozzi

       penetro nei pozzi e salgo col fumo nel cielo 
       mi perdo nei meandri carsici del tuo subconscio
                 sono la tua corteccia in quel bosco
                 dove tutte le foglie sono tuoi sguardi
                            e io dormo sul deltaplano delle tue
                                       ho raccolto tutti i tuoi
                                       sospiri in un uragano
                             taglio il destino e il vento
                             come lo spigolo della tua casa
                   sono nel palmo della tua mano
                   č un puro accidente
         che non ti abbracci ogni sera
         sono parte della primavera
e tu
frammento fulgido del tempo
         i profumi del bosco mi parlano
         dei tuoi desideri sconfinati
                    la luce da dietro le montagne della tua
                                lama di coltello mi dice quanto sia
                                il mio spirito all’unisono col tuo
                                           come il nostro pensiero annulli le distanze
                                           sei tu
                                che passeggi sotto la mia pelle
                                che corri nelle mie vene
                     che dialoghi nei miei pensieri
                     che cresci come erba
negli anfratti dei miei respiri

I sink into wells

 I sink into wells or soar with smoke in the sky
 get lost in the underground meanders of your unconscious
                      I'm the bark on you in the wood
                      where all leaves are glances of yours
                                           and I sleep on the glider of your intentions
                                           I've gathered all your sighs into a hurricane
                                                                   cutting destiny and the wind
                                                                   like the cornerstone of your house
                                           I'm in the palm of your hand
                                           It's a pure accident
                       if I don't hug you every night
                       I'm at the height of spring
and you
dazzling fragment of time
                       the wood's smells tell me
                       of your unbounded desires
                                            the light from behind mountains
                                            of your longing
                                                                     knife blade tells me of my being
                                                                     in unison with your soul
                                            how our thought evaporates distances
                                            it's you
                       walking under my skin
                       running along my veins
talking to my thoughts
                        growing like grass
                        from the crevices of my sighs
March 96

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